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Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (9)

Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (1945-; Via delle terme di Caracalla, Rome, ITA) ; AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS SAINT JOSEPH USA ; INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ; International conference on agricultural engineering, Milano, ITA, 29th August - 1st September 1994 (1994; ITA) | Rome, ITA : FAO | 1994Part. 1 Soil and water use - Land use and environment - Buildings - Energy and electrotechnologies. Part. 2 Power, machinery and mechanization - Ergonomics and safety - Processing, storage and packaging.![]()
B. Stout ; B. Chèze ; INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING | St Joseph, USA : ASAE | 1999This handbook is designed to cover the major fields of agricultural engineering such as soil and water, machinery and its management, farm structures and processing agricultural, as well as other emerging fields. It will be useful to many agricu[...]![]()
INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ; NATIONAL CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION ILORIN NGA ; NIGERIAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS ; Proceedings of the CIGR intersections symposium National Center for Agricultural Mechanization Ilorin Sept. 1988 (1988; NGA) | - : University of Ilorin Ilorin NGA | 1988Principaux thèmes abordés: machines agricoles et systèmes de stockage pour les petits exploitants, technologie des petits systèmes d'irrigation, réserve et adduction d'eau pour les communautés rurales.![]()
INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ; THE NORWEGIAN COMMISSION OF CIGR ; AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF NORWAY ; International seminar of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd technical section of CIGR on environmental challenges and solutions in agricultural engineering, Agricultural university of Norway, As-Norway, July 1-4 1991 (1991; NOR) | Agricultural university of Norway | 1991This seminar recognizes the need for a broad approach to find and present solutions which, when properly applied, will give truly sustainable agricultural production systems. We, at least then, can have a faint hope of making it possible to feed[...]![]()
INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ; COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE L'ORGANISATION SCIENTIFIQUE DU TRAVAIL EN AGRICULT ; Proceedings XXIX CIOSTA - CIGR V congress, Krakow, POL, 25-27 June 2001 (2001) | Wageningen, Pays-Bas : Wageningen Academic Publishers | 2001These proceedings deal with a broad spectrum of topics which modern agriculture had to confront with the arrival of the new century. Knowledge and ideas were exchanged on a highly international level (21 participating countries) on problems of a[...]![]()
INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ; World Congress on Agricultural Engineering, 12, Milano, ITA, 29 Aug - 1 Sept., 1994 (1994; ITA) | Merelbeke (BEL) : International Commission of Agricultural Engineering | 1994Ensemble de communications regroupées en 2 tomes : le tome 1 porte sur l'utilisation des sols et des ressources en eau ( avec notamment la planification rurale et l'utilisation de la télédétection, les méthodes de contrôle de pollution de l'eau [...]