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Auteur A. Bahri |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (7)

A. Bahri ; RURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER ARIANA TUN ; Transactions of the 15th world congress of soil science, ISSS, Acapulco, MEX, 1994 (1994) | 1994Soils in arid and semi-arid areas often have a low-organic content. Consequently, there are needs for improvement of soil fertility. A way to solve this problem is to use sewage sludge in agriculture when other organic matter sources are lacking[...]![]()
P. Drechsel ; C. Scott ; L. Raschid-Sally ; M. Redwood ; A. Bahri | Québec [CAN] : Presses de l'Université du Québec | 2011Dans la plupart des pays en développement, les systèmes de traitement des eaux usées sont très peu étendus ou sont peu efficaces, ce qui engendre une pollution de l’eau à vaste échelle et l’utilisation d’eau de mauvaise qualité pour l’irrigation[...]![]()
Milestones in Water Reuse: The Best Success Stories illustrates the benefits of water reuse in integrated water resources management and its role for water cycle management, climate change adaptation and water in the cities of the future. Select[...]![]()
F. Brissaud ; UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER ; J. Bontoux ; R. Mujeriego ; UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE CATALUNA BARCELONA ESP ; A. Bahri ; POLITECNICO DI MILANO MILANO ITA ; C. Nurizzo ; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS USA ; T. Asano ; INTERNATIONAL WATER ASSOCIATION ; 3rd International symposium on wastewater reclamation, recycling and reuse, Paris, 3-6 july 2000 (2000; FRA) | 2001Theses papers provide an authoritative exposition of the technology and practice of water reuse today, highlighting the benfits which can be expected, and the methods and research underway that are continuing to develop reuse as a feasible, safe[...]![]()
This compilation provides guidelines that facilitate the successful planning and operation of water reuse projects. Offering the information, analysis, and proven experience for agricultural and landscape irrigation, it bridges the gap between f[...]