Détail du congrès:
Congrès: Third workshop on Connection between silviculture and wood quality through modelling approaches and simulation software, La Londes-les-Maures, 5-12 September 1999 (1999; FRA) (1999) |
Documents disponibles provenant de ce congrès (2)

G. Nepveu ; Third workshop on Connection between silviculture and wood quality through modelling approaches and simulation software, La Londes-les-Maures, 5-12 September 1999 (1999; FRA) | Champenoux : INRA - Equipe de recherches sur la qualité des bois | 1999The communications presented at the workshop are classified according to the topics listed below. " Intra-tree modelling of ring width and branching in connection with the silviculture (broad sense) "-" Modelling the evolution of tree shape and [...]![]()
L. Berges ; J. Herve ; A. Franc ; J. Gilbert ; G. Nepveu ; CEMAGREF NOGENT SUR VERNISSON EFNO ; Third workshop on Connection between silviculture and wood quality through modelling approaches and simulation software, La Londes-les-Maures, 5-12 September 1999 (1999; FRA) ; ENGREF NANCY EQUIPE DYNAMIQUE DES SYSTEMES FORESTIERS ; ENGREF PARIS DEPARTEMENT MATHEMATIQUES APPLIQUEES ET INFORMATIQUE ; INRA CHAMPENOUX EQUIPE DE RECHERCHE SUR LA QUALITE DES BOIS | Champenoux : INRA - Equipe de recherches sur la qualité des bois | 1999Wood formation is influenced by several factors: climatic and soil conditions , silvicultural practises, genetic components, and age of the tree. The biological conditions give the ring characteristics (ring width and density) which are related [...]