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Auteur S. Ward |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (12)
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S. Ward ; S. Leather ; J. Pickup ; R. Harrington | 19981. For a full assessment of explanations for the evolution of host-specificity it is necessary to estimate the probability that a dispersing parasite finds a host. We develop a method of estimating this success rate from samples of dispersing pa[...]article/chapitre/communication
V. Traicevski ; S. Ward | 20021. Reciprocal transfer experiments were undertaken using four different hosts to examine the effects of a change in host at adult moult on the probing behaviour of the cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch. 2. The highest intrinsic rate of increase[...]article/chapitre/communication
R. Rabbinge, Editeur scientifique ; S. Ward, Editeur scientifique ; H. Van Laar, Editeur scientifique | Wageningen, Pays-Bas : Wageningen Academic Publishers | 1989article/chapitre/communication
V. Traicevski ; S. Ward | 20021. A general index of accumulated investment that alate aphids make into reproduction with respect to environmental changes (specifically changes in host at adult moult) was investigated to determine whether and how reproduction in Aphis cracciv[...]article/chapitre/communication
S. Ward ; P. Wellings ; A. Dixon | 1983article/chapitre/communication
S. Ward ; A. Dixon ; P. Wellings | 1982article/chapitre/communication
S. Ward ; R. Rabbinge ; W. Mantel | 1985article/chapitre/communication
S. Ward ; R. Rabbinge ; W. Mantel | 1985article/chapitre/communication
S. Ward | 1991