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Auteur N. Koch |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (5)

This report is the final report from COST Action E3. It contains the main conclusions of the work carried out in the 4 working groups, national reports from the 20 participating European countries on forestry's role in rural development and anal[...]![]()
Daniel Terrasson ; N. Koch ; CEMAGREF ANTONY DTDG ; K. Wiersum ; DANISH FOREST AND LANDSCAPE RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOERSHOLM DNK ; WAGENINGEN AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY NLD | Antony [France] : *** Cemagref Editions | 1998Les travaux de recherche sur les relations entre la forêt et la société sont en plein développement mais ce champ de recherche est encore récent et soulève de nombreux débats méthodologiques. Les auteurs tirent dans cet article les conclusions d[...]![]()
In this article multiple-use forestry is defined, and the development of the concept and the present status in the danish Forest Act are described. Finally, at the end of the paper, some examples are given of how this theory could be applied to [...]![]()