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CEMAGREF NOGENT SUR VERNISSON RGNO ; G. Philippe | S.E. | FAIR5-CT 98-3354 / Coll. CEC-NEI-IC20 CT98-0310 | 2000This consolidated report summarises the results found in years 1 and 2 by the partners of sub-task 4.1. (mass-production of improved varieties) of "Larch Wood Chain" European project. The activities dealt with: - flower stimulation and seed orch[...]![]()
CEMAGREF NOGENT SUR VERNISSON RGNO ; G. Philippe | S.E. | FAIR5-CT 98-3354 / Coll. CEC-NEI-IC20 CT98-0310 | 1999This consolidated report summarises the main results found in year 1 by the partners of task 4.1 (mass-production of improved varieties) of "larch wood chain" European project. The activities dealt with : - flower stimulation and seed orchard ma[...]![]()
CEMAGREF NOGENT SUR VERNISSON RGNO ; G. Philippe | S.E. | FAIR5-CT 98-3354 / Coll. CEC-NEI-IC20 CT98-0310 | 2002Ce document expose les résultats obtenus au cours des trois premières années du projet européen "larch wood chain" dans le cadre de la tâche 4.1 relative à la production par voie sexuée de variétés améliorées. Quatre organismes contribuent aux t[...]![]()
Philippe Balandier ; P. Baldet ; Bernard Héois ; Céline Le Pichon ; G. Philippe ; F. Ruchaud ; M. Vautrin ; CEMAGREF CLERMONT FERRAND FACF ; CEMAGREF NOGENT SUR VERNISSON RGNO | S.E. | FAIR5-CT 98-3354 / Coll. CEC-NEI-IC20 CT98-0310 | 1999This report presents the main results obtained in the first year in tasks 2 ("Sylviculture"), 3 ("Genetics and breeding"), 4 ("Mass-production of improved varieties") of Larch wood chain project : - hybrid larch variety testing - influence of si[...]![]()
G. Philippe ; P. Baldet ; F. Ruchaud ; Michel Verger ; CEMAGREF NOGENT SUR VERNISSON RGNO ; CEMAGREF CLERMONT FERRAND FACF ; INRA ARDON | S.E. | FAIR5-CT 98-3354 / Coll. CEC-NEI-IC20 CT98-0310 | 2000This report presents the results obtained in the second year in tasks 2 ("Sylviculture"), 3 ("Genetics and breeding"), 4 ("Mass-production of improved varieties") of Larch wood chain project : - hybrid larch variety testing - influence of silvic[...]![]()
Motivations of this project are based on three observations which seem to be causes to under- development of larch plantations across Europe : 1) larch wood from fast-growing lowland plantations is not known ; compared to native alpine larch wit[...]![]()
The objectives of this project are clearly : l) to develop knowledge on wood quality of the lowland larch timber resource mostly for its most original and economically important properties : natural durability and mechanical strength, 2) to prep[...]![]()
G. Philippe ; P. Baldet ; Philippe Balandier ; V. Bourlon ; I. Bilger ; C. Rousselet ; Bernard Héois ; S. Matz ; CEMAGREF NOGENT SUR VERNISSON RGNO ; CEMAGREF CLERMONT FERRAND DFCF | S.E. | FAIR5-CT 98-3354 / Coll. CEC-NEI-IC20 CT98-0310 | 2002Ce document retrace les activités du Cemagref au cours de la 3ème année du projet européen Larch Wood Chain. Elles concernent l'évaluation de variétés de mélèze hybride, la sylviculture, la production de variétés améliorées par voies générative [...]